Dr. Joseph A Aluoch
Affiliations: The Nairobi Hospital.
Qualifications: MB,ChB (EA) M.R.C.P (UK), F.R.C.P (Edin.) F.R.C.P (Glasgow) D.T.C.D (Wales) Dip Epid-(Praque/Delhi).
Dr Aluoch work history includes Deputy Director of the Communicable Diseases Division, Director National TB programme, Honorary Lecturer Department of Medicine Nairobi University, Director of the Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases Research Centre and Consultant in the Infectious Diseases Hospital Nairobi. He has served in various boards and organizations within the Government and as Chairman of various Medical Associations and Societies in Kenya.
Presently he is the Patron of Kenya Association of Physicians, the Respiratory Society of Kenya and the HIV Clinicians Society of Kenya. He is also the President of Pan African Thoracic Society and the Overseas Representative and Adviser; Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh.
He received an Honorary Member Award of International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases in 2017.
Dr Aluoch has authored over 60 papers both local and international peer review journals. He has also authored his autobiography; In the Footsteps of My Father and a Book, Historical perspective of Fifty years of Medical Practice in Kenya.