About Us

Kenya Association of Physicians

About Us

Kenya Association of Physicians

Who We Are

Kenya Association of Physicians (KAP) is a premier professional association representing Physicians who are dedicated to provision of quality specialized health-care to the region.

Kenya Association of Physicians (KAP) was inaugurated on 23rd October 1992. Prior to 1992, for over three decades the professional and social interests of physicians in Kenya was taken care of by The Association of Physicians in East and Central Africa (APECA). Interested physicians were affiliated to APECA and this functioned well as long as The East African Community functioned. Membership of APECA was broad; it included pediatricians, dermatologists, clinical pathologists and psychiatrists amongst other medical specialties.In the period between 1982 and 1992 APECA was dormant.

The then young physicians who included Dr. J.A Aluoch, Dr. J. Okanga, Prof. Lore Prof. A. Abdullah, Dr. J. N. Walumbe and the late Dr. Eric Mngola; the late Professors Ogada and Ojiambo amongst others founded The Kenya Association of Physicians. Dr. J.A.Aluoch was Kenya Association of Physicians’ first Chairman.

The Association is committed to providing continuous and dynamic educational programs, governance through code of ethics, public advocacy and collaboration with other related health-care stakeholders in the region and beyond.

We would like to form partnerships with other similar professional bodies world-wide and collaborate in Research and Patient Care.

We encourage you to join KAP if you are not already a member. Being a member of KAP enables you to be profiled in the website and hence give you an opportunity to interact with millions of other colleagues worldwide. This will encourage exchange of ideas for the betterment of health of mankind by encouraging cross-border contacts and subsequent research collaboration. You will also benefit from member discounts on high quality CPD’s and Annual Scientific Conferences.

Our Vision

To maintain professional leadership in the field of Internal Medicine.

Our Mission

To maintain the highest standards of professional practice amongst its members by propagating excellent clinical practice, nurturing a culture of professional development through research and continually evaluating its members through laid down objectives.
  • To promote high quality care by Physicians and Internists in Kenya.
  • To ensure a high standard of professional and personal conduct among Physicians.
  • To consider and promote all matters affecting the interest of Physicians in Kenya.
  • To promote and support research in Medicine and related disciplines, by encouraging collaboration in research, education and training and the sharing experiences for the implementation of best strategies in all of these areas.
  • To organize functions with a view of enabling members of the Association to meet to exchange ideas and improve mutual understanding.
  • To liaise with other local and international organizations on matters of mutual interest.
  • To advance the specialty of Internal Medicine and its sub-specialties through:
    1. The establishment of medical meetings, symposia and learning for a for the benefit of all Kenyan Physicians,
    2. The dissemination of medical presentations and learningmaterial
    3. The publication at regular intervals of the Journal of Kenya Association of Physicians (JOKAP)
    4. The publication of newsletters, policy or press statements on matters of importance to all Physicians.


  1. Dr. Felix BarasaChairman
  2. Dr. Mohamed SoodVice Chairman
  3. Dr. Carolyne LuswetiSecretary
  4. Dr. Rosslyn NgugiAss. Secretary
  5. Dr. Evans ManuthuTreasurer
  6. Dr. Florence KeliAss. Treasurer
  7. Dr. Steve BikoCommittee Member
  8. Dr. Ochwilla BwireCommittee Member
  9. Prof. James JowiECSACOP Representative
  10. Dr. Esther GetamboECSACOP Representative
  11. Dr. Joseph Aluoch – Patron
  12. Dr. Yusuf Karim – Ex-officio