Conference Schedule

11:00am - 4:00pm Preconference Workshop

ECG made easy

Preconference Workshop
Topic: ECG made easy by Kenya Cardiac Society

11:00am - 4:00pm Preconference Workshop

Oxygen therapy: from nasal cannula to non-invasive ventilation

Preconference Workshop
Topic: Oxygen therapy: from nasal cannula to non-invasive ventilation by ReSoK

7:00pm - 7:30pm Pre-dinner Symposium Rambara Hall Moderator Dr Erick Njenga

Pre-dinner Symposium

Daflon 1000 product launch:Dr Linda Gathara
Dr Joe Ruturi
Sponsored by Servier
1900-1915Approach to management of Haemorrhoidal disease
1915-1930Approach to management of venous insufficiency

7:30pm - 9:00pm Dinner


Dinner sponsored by Servier

8:00am - 9:05am Infectious Diseases Rambara Hall Chairs- Dr Reena Shah Dr Joseph Rakiro

Infectious Diseases Session

0800-08151. Dr. Babu Bora memorial Lecture Updates on the management of advanced HIV diseaseDr Marybeth Maritim
0815-08352. Current management of Gram-negative infectionsProf Enoch Omonge - Sponsored by Pfizer
0835-08553. Antimicrobial stewardshipDr. Loice Ombajo. Sponsored by Biomirieux
0855-09054. Q&A sessionAll

9:15am - 10:30am Opening Ceremony Rambara Hall

Opening Ceremony

Master of ceremonyDr. Josephine Ojoo - Branch Chair
National chair’s speechDr. Felix Barasa – National Chair KAP
Keynote speech: Universal Health Coverage-What is the Box?Dr. Gitahi Githinji- Group CEO Amref Health Africa
Opening ceremony speechH.E Prof. Anyang’ Nyong’o – Governor, Kisumu County
Vote of thanksProf. Gerald Yonga

11:00am - 12:00pm Digital information and technological health solutions Rambara Hall. Chairs: • Prof Enoch Omonge • Dr Steve Biko

Digital information and technological health solutions

1100-1120Utilisation of ICT in health training and service provisionDr. Kamotho
1120–1135Role of Pharmacogenomics and Precision Medicine in Clinical CareDr. Syokau Illovi
1135- 1150Medical genetics & its applications in routine clinical practice".Dr. Syokau Illovi
1150-12004. Q&AAll

12:00pm - 1:15pm Parallel Session - Room 1: Respiratory Rambara Hall. Chairs: • Dr George Nyale • Dr Andrew Owuor

Parallel Session: Respiratory

1200-12151. Bronchiectasis-Diagnosis and principles of managementProf. Jumaa Bwika
1215-12302. A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial of Standard Care versus Steroids plus Standard Care forTreatment of Pneumonia in Adults Admitted to Kenyan Hospitals (SONIA)Dr. Anthony Etyang et al
1230-12453. Prevalence, clinical characteristics and severity of pulmonary hypertension among HIV-infected adults at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, KenyaDr. Maureen Maleche et al
1245-13054. Asthma / Update and lessons from the SABINA studyDr. Jared Mecha sponsored by Astra Zeneca
1305-13155. Q&A sessionAll

12:00pm - 1:15pm Parallel Session - Room 2: Oncology/Palliative Aquarius Hall. Chairs: Dr Jackline Majuma Dr Angela cLigeyo

Parallel Session: Oncology/Palliative

1200-12151. The Practice of Advance Care Planning among Ambulatory Cancer PatientsDr. Lavender Otom et al
1215-12302. Universal Health Coverage and the Role of Palliative CareDr. John Weru
1230-12453. Effect of Chemotherapy Education Intervention versus Traditional Care on Knowledge and Self-care among cancer patients at MTRHDr. Beatrice Gathua et al
1245-13054. Management of chronic venous insufficiency and haemorrhoial diseaseDr. Hash Mohamed - sponsored by Servier
1305-13155. Q&A sessionAll

1:15pm - 2:00pm Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

2:00pm - 3:00pm Comprehensive health promotion and care Rambara Hall. Chairs: •Dr Lois Wagana-Muriithib •Dr Jemima Kamano

Comprehensive health promotion and care

1400-14201. Policies and implementation of comprehensive health promotion and care in KenyaDr. Elizabeth Onyango Head of NCD Department, Ministry of Health
1420-14352. Factors Influencing Access to Healthcare Services for NHIF Insured Persons in Nairobi County, KenyaDr. Miriam Gatehi et al
1435-14503. Accessing Lupus Treatment and Care in Kenya: Doctors' and patients' perspectivesDr. Eunice Omondi et al
1450-15004. Briefing on a privately sponsored access programme5. Dr Michael Mangutha- Sponsored Boerhinger
1500-15105. Q&A sessionAll

3:00pm - 4:10pm Parallel Session - Room 1: Rheumatology Aquarius Hall. Chairs: •Dr Fred Otieno •Dr Sybil Nakitare

Parallel Session: Rheumatology

1500-15151. Defining rheumatoid arthritis in Kenya: Challenges , Lessons and Opportunities.Prof. Omondi Oyoo
1515-15302. Disease Activity and Adherence to Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs among Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients Attending The KNH Rheumatology ClinicDr. Abdulaziz Mithuani et al
1530-15453. Fibromyalgia in SLE patients at KNH Rheumatology ClinicDr. Said Awadh et al
1545-16004. Pain Control and Functional Status in Knee OsteoarthritisDr. S Dino et al
1600-16105. Q&A sessionAll

3:00pm - 4:10pm Parallel Session - Room 2: Endocrinology Rambara Hall. Chairs: •Dr Rosslyn Ngugi •Dr Saira Sokwalla

Parallel Session: Endocrinology

1510-15251. Dr Ignatius Muturi memorial lecture. Establishing state of the art Diabetes CentresProf. Nancy Kunyiha
1525-15402. Insights into the PIC 4 C studyDr. Kamano
1540-16003. Heart failure in Diabetes MellitusDr. Swaleh Sponsored by Boerhinger
1600-16105. Q&A sessionAll

4:30pm - 6:30pm AGM



7:30pm - 9:00pm Dinner MC: •Rosslyn Ngugi •James Wagude


1930-2100Multisectoral Health Rescue Engagement ForumProf. Omondi Oyoo
Diabetes Mellitus: Managing today protecting tomorrow- A clinical perspectiveDr. Jacob Shabani Sponsored session- Norvatis

8:00am - 9:05am Parallel Session - Room 1: Gastroenterology Rambara Hall. Chairs:: •Dr Firoz •Alimohammed •Dr Nashon Okanga •Dr Jacqueline Kagima

Parallel Session: Gastroenterology

0800-08151.  Current status in the management of Peptic ulcer diseaseProf. Elly Ogutu
0815-08302.  Helicobacter Pylori Infection Among Diabetics and Non-Diabetics at MTRH, KenyaDr. Jane Akinyi et al
0830-08453.  Video Capsule Endoscopy in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Retrospective StudyDr. Werimo Kuka et al
0845-09004.  Role of endoscopy with  ultrasound in medicine.Prof. Elly Ogutu

8:00am - 9:05am Parallel Session - Room 2: Nephrology Aquarius Hall. Chairs: •Dr Esther •Getambu, •Dr Tasneem Essaji

Parallel Session: Nephrology

0800-08201. Dr Anthony Were memorial lecture. Management of acid-base renal disordersDr Michael Owiti
0820-08352. Pleotropic effects of SGLT 2 inhibitors: the mechanismsDr Julius Okell
0835-08503. Tacrolimus Metabolic Phenotypes in Kidney Transplant Recipients at Kenyatta National HospitalDr Davis Otieno et al
0850-09004. Q&A sessionAll

9:00am - 10:00am Parallel Session - Room 1: Comprehensive health promotion and care Rambara Hall. Chairs:: •Dr Firoz •Alimohammed •Dr Nashon Okanga •Dr Jacqueline Kagima

Parallel Session: Comprehensive health promotion and care

0900-09201. Ultrasonography in medicine- training the next generation of doctorsDr Jacqueline Kagima
0920–09352. UHC Access by vulnerable populations in Kenya- influence of climate changeDr Rose Rao et al
0945-09553. Q&AAll (Gastro/Compreehnsive health promotion and care)

9:00am - 10:00am Parallel Session - Room 2: Emergency Medicine. Aquarius Hall: •Dr Kevin Ndede •Dr Sylvia Aradi

Parallel Session: Emergency Medicine

0900-09151. Emergency Care in Kenya: Past, Present and FutureProf Benjamin Wachira
0915-09302. Pharmacological investigation of the anti-snake venom properties of selected medicinal plants from Kisumu County, Kenya’Dr Mitchel Otieno Okumu et al
0930-09503. Updates in Emergency MedicineProf Benjamin Wachira
0950-10004. Q&AAll

10:00am - 10:30am Tea Break

Tea Break

Tea Break

10:30 - 11:30 Posters Kakamega Hall. Abstract Judges: -Dr Jak Nyabundi -Dr Yusuf Karim -Prof Elijah Ogola


1. Budd-Chiari syndrome and Inferior vena cava thrombus treated with sequential endovascular interventions and portosystemic shunting Dr.Werimo Kuka et al
2. Uvulectomy as a traditional treatment for Vomiting due to Chronic cough in individuals with respiratory allergies Dr.Christopher Mureithi et al
3. Evaluation of a Quality Improvement Training in Western Kenya Kelly Maura et al
4. Metabolic Syndrome In Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients-Prevalence And Risk Factors Dr.Jeremiah Munguti et al
5. Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes among COVID-19 Patients: A Case Series analysis at a Level 4 Hospital in Kisumu, Kenya- Prof Oloo et al
6. Diagnostic Performance of the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score for Undiagnosed Dysglycemia in Western Kenya Dr. Mwangi Muturi et al

11:40am - 1:00pm Parallel Session - Room 1: Cardiology Ramabara Hall. Chairs- • Dr Chebet Chepkwony • Dr Wafula Nalwa

Parallel Session: Cardiology

1140-11551. Prevention of CVD in the populationDr Bernard Samia
1155-12152. Heart Failure - How do the new trials inform our practice?Dr Charles Kariuki Sponsored by Norvatis
1215-12303. Non-cardiac comorbidities among heart failure patients admitted at Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, KenyaDr Maureen Bikoro et al
1230-12504. Compelling indications in the choice of antihypertensive treatmentProf Ogola Sponsored by Merck
1250-13005. Q&A sessionAll

11:40am - 1:00pm Parallel Session - Room 2: Neurology Aquarius Hall. Chairs- •Dr Juzar Hooker • Dr Sylvia Mbugua

Parallel Session: Neurology

1140-11551. A quality audit on the management of Acute Ischemic Stroke at KNHDr Gloria Omondi et al
1155-12102. Neurogenic dysphagia- a case based discussionDr Jules Nshimiyimana
1210-12253. A Rare Case of Concurrent Cryptococcal and Tuberculosis Meningitis in an Immunocompromised AdultDr Maureen Bikoro et al
1225-12454. Prof Paul Kioy Memorial lecture. Updates on the management of Multiple SclerosisProf Dilraj Sokhi Sponsored Roche
1245-13005. Q&A sessionAll

1:00pm - 2:00pm Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

2:00pm - 3:30pm Balanced Physician •Dr. JA Aluoch •Dr. Eugine Genga

Balanced Physician Session

1400-14201. Achieving psychosocial balance as a busy doctorProf Lukoye Atwoli
1420-14402. Role of physician in politicsHon. Dr James Nyikal
1440-15003. Work life balance for practicing doctorDr Diana Ondieki
1500-15204. Mentoring the next generation of physicians; what is of long term importanceDr Frank Njenga
1520-15305. Q&A sessionAll

3:30pm - 6:45pm Group team building activities

Group team building activities

Group team building activities

7:00pm - 8:00pm Gala Night MCs: Prof Yonga and DJ Branula

Gala Night

Gala night - sponsored by

8:30am - 8:50am Health as a business

Health as a business session

0830-08501. Is medicine a profession or a businessDr Joseph Aluoch
0850-09102. Role of private sector in achieving UHC/ Understanding insurance: Private insurance in public sector and public insurance in private sectorDr Kanyanje Gakombe
0910-09303. Financial flows through healthcare system impacting on UHC-Mr. David Njuguna, Health Economist MoH
0930-09504. Running private hospital successfully/- challenges and enablersDr Dan Gikonyo
0950-10005. Q&A sessionAll

10:00am - 10:30am Tea Break

Tea Break

Tea Break

10:30am - 11:40am Case presentation

Case presentation session

1030-1045 1. Rheumatic disorder after a missed abortion in a young adult- Possible Systemic Lupus Erythematosis Dr Gordon Yossa et al
1045-11002. Portal vein thrombosis, A clinical case and reviewDr Firoz Alimohammed et al
1100-11153. Musculoskeletal manifestations of Multiple MyelomaDr Sybil Nakitare
1130-11404. HIV/AIDS presenting with febrile illness and breathlessness- presumed COVID 19All
1130-11454. Q&A sessionAll

11:45am - 12:15pm Closing Ceremony Ramabara Hall

Closing Ceremony

Closing Ceremony - President KAP Dr Felix Barasa